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Susannah Hansmann

Welcome to my online classroom.




Boswell Public School offers comprehensive special education services to eligible students ages 3 through 21 who have or suspect having a disability, regardless of the severity.  All referrals are considered confidential, and services are provided at no cost.  You do not have to be enrolled in school.  They may be in day care, head start, attending a private school, advancing from one grade to another, state institution, or in a treatment facility.

      Boswell Public School services include screening and evaluations in areas of the suspected disabilities, such as vision and/or hearing loss, motor skills, general development, learning disability, speech and language development, physical impairments, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, autism/pervasive developmental disorders, health impairments, and traumatic brain injury.

Free, appropriate, public educations with a full continunm of services are available for all children, including ones that are eligible to receive the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship.  To help us provide these services to any child with a disability in need of an education and/or related services, please contact the following:

Susannah Hansmann


PO Box 839

Boswell, Ok 74727